Statues of two horses near the ashvadavara
Statue of one of the two horses near the ashvadavara
Statue of one of the two horses near the ashvadavara
Statue of one of the two horses near the ashvadavara
Statue of a lion rearing over an elephant, near the simhadvara
Statue of a lion rearing over an elephant, near the simhadvara
Photograph of a sculptured slab from the refectory ceiling of the Surya Temple at Konarak
Group of sculptured pilaster figures representing amorous scenes
Group of sculptured pilaster figures representing amorous scenes
Group of sculptured pilaster figures representing amorous scenes
General view from the south of the mandapa
Close view of lower half of left portion of the mandapa
Close view of doorway in the eastern façade of the mandapa
Source: British Library Website