Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
This collection consisting of 60 photographs of Calcutta ( Kolkata )taken most likely between 1945-1946. The photographer, Mr. Clyde Waddell, also provided the interesting notes accompanying each photograph.

This collection consisting of 60 photographs of Calcutta ( Kolkata )taken most likely between 1945-1946. The photographer, Mr. Clyde Waddell, also provided the interesting notes accompanying each photograph.

This buffalo herd's movements seem to be guided by whim alone and are typical of the complete indifference to traffic control by man and animal alike. this is Old Court House street, one of Calcutta's busiest. In left background is Great Eastern Hotel, Calcutta's best, used by U.S. Officers as a billet.

Calcutta's traffic is usually snarled. And the reasons are clearly shown. Shuffling coolies and
padestrians with little regard for their lives seem completely oblivious to the perils of automitive traffic.

the American Red Cross Burra Club, leave center for GI's and recreation spot for all enlisted men. The unpretentious facade belies an interior complete with dormitory, snack bar, restaurant, music room games room, lounge, barber and tailor shops, wrapping service department and post exchange.

Karnani Estates, mammoth apartment hotel for U.S. Army officers. Known to the many thousands of transient and locally based officers as a social center, it has been provided with one of the most elaborately decorated bars of any officers club in the CBI theater.

Chowringhee Square. The Mohammddan mosque, Juma Masjid, is shown at left. This is actually one of the quiet moments when GI trucks, taxis, bicycles and other modes of transport can move with comparative freedom.